OPTICON FP7 (2009-2012) WP11 - Enhancing Community Skills: Strengthening Skills

Please note this page is for historical reference only as OPTICON FP7 (2009-2012) is complete.

The objectives of this WP are to teach the skills necessary to use state-of-the-art European astronomical infrastructures, to develop the user community regardless of nationality and to enable both established and new communities to participate fully in the use and development of the newest large scale facilities.

WP11.2 - The European Interferometry Initiative

WP leader: Paulo Garcia

This activity will maximise community-wide involvement in the world’s first common-user large telescope interferometer, ESO’s VLTI, strengthening both scientific and technical involvement. The WP will include an exchange programme, three astrophysical working groups to define a European vision and strategy for interferometry in the ALMA/E-ELT era. The groups will review the specific areas to put 2nd generation VLTI instrumentation in context with available and planned facilities and instrumentation, exploiting synergies and complementarities. These groups will include experts from outside the extant consortia, in order to build an open and participative science vision for the near future of the VLTI.

Visit the WP11.2 website here: http://www.european-interferometry.eu/